July 2011 – I had the most wonderful experience this past weekend at Blessed John Paul II Parish. Not only did I make many friends sharing my music, but the entire congregation sang in harmony with me for much of the mass! Wow, what a gift to hear others singing so beautifully. Thank you Father Boyle-you all are truly a blessed congregation.
The fourth of July parade was once again really fun with our soldiers in town and on the float with their family members. The Here at Home Committee is ready and waiting to help welcome back your soldier. So, if you know someone who is returning, please call the Veteran’s Office/Pittsfield, MA so we can help kick up the celebration!
I was so honored to sing at the Pentagon this past year. No offense to the Red Sox fans of the world, but I’m so stoked to say the Pentagon feels better than singing at Fenway! This summer also allowed me the honor of standing at 9/11’s ground zero in New York City. It helped strengthen my dedication to our troops and remind me even more how grateful I am of my freedom and yours.

If you would like for me to sing at your church. Just send me the contact information and I’ll send it along and get your church on our Precious Love Tour.
‘Precious Love’ has arrived! I hope you enjoy this love cd as much as I enjoyed writing and recording these songs. Love, love, love….is there really anything else worth singing about? Sales are off to a terrific start, so please keep spreading the word! Thanks.
You can purchase the Precious Love CD right here on the web site. You can also support these local stores and find the cd at: Wood Brothers Music, The Cottage, Steven Valenti’s, The Colonial Berkshire Gift Shop and The Red Lion Inn Gift Shop.
Thanks for your votes! My 411 Source Talent Contest in Western Massachusetts. I was blessed to be named Best Jazz Vocalist and Best Singer/Songwriter. I’m smiling and appreciate all of your votes and your unending support.